Cuddle Code Of Conduct
1. Client and Practitioner each declare that at the start of any session that they
a. are at least 18 years of age; are not subject to a power of attorney or a court protection order; and have not been designated as vulnerable or anything similar
b. are in good health; have no infectious/contagious disease or condition; and have not been told to self-isolate or enter quarantine
c. are not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any mind-altering substances
d. are physically and psychologically fit enough to participate in the session fully and safely; take complete responsibility for themselves and their actions; and are capable of giving consent
e. are following the very highest standards of personal cleanliness and hygiene, and are not using any perfume, aftershave or similar products
f. will remain clothed throughout the session, with a minimum of tank top, shorts and underpants; understand that underwear or swimwear alone do not constitute adequate clothing; and agree that any change of clothing before, during or after the session will be conducted in private
g. have read, understood and accepted all of this Code of Conduct.
2. Cuddling is a platonic, non-sexual activity. Client and Practitioner agree not to encourage or pursue any form of sexual arousal or activity including hip-grinding; kissing; use of the tongue or mouth; touching the breast, buttock or genital areas; practising any kind of kink or fetish; or any similar activity. It is recognised that physical sexual arousal may occur inadvertently, in which case an adjustment will be made to allow it to dissipate naturally.
3. The Practitioner will accept as a Client any appropriate person irrespective of their age; disability; gender or gender reassignment; marriage status; pregnancy or maternity status; race; religion or belief; sex; or sexual orientation. There are a very few people, for example those suffering from certain serious medical or psychological difficulties, for whom cuddling is not suitable. Cuddling is an intensely personal and intimate service and thus the Practitioner reserves the right to select who to accept as a Client.
4. The Practitioner agrees to state their fees clearly at the time of booking. The Client agrees to pay the fees in advance or at the start of the session.
5. Client and Practitioner agree to exchange their real names, and to provide evidence of their identity if requested. Personal information (such as driving licence number) need not be disclosed.
6. In order that the Practitioner can offer appropriate care, the Client agrees to disclose any medical, psychiatric, psychological or other diagnoses, conditions or circumstances that may be relevant.
7. The Client accepts that the services offered by the Practitioner are not a cure or treatment for anything; may not be suitable for people with certain conditions or diagnoses; and are not a substitute or alternative for any form of medical, psychiatric or psychological care. The Practitioner does not have any medical or mental health training or experience unless otherwise specified.
8. Consent lies at the heart of Cuddle Therapy. Client and Practitioner agree to respect fully each other’s personal boundaries; communicate openly to discover what is mutually comfortable; and to seek and receive explicit and unambiguous consent before any form of touch. Clients do not have to consent to any touch and some Cuddle Therapy sessions involve no touch at all.
9. Emotions leading to tears, laughter or silence are a common and accepted part of cuddle therapy. The Client is free to leave at any time, but best practice is to say “I’m feeling uncomfortable” so that the Practitioner can offer the most appropriate care.
10. The Practitioner agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the Client in all respects except when the Client has given written permission for disclosure; or the Practitioner believes that the life, health or well-being of the Client or a third party is at risk; or in the case of a court order, criminal proceeding or similar legal process. The Practitioner will discuss any potential disclosure with the Client beforehand if it is safe and practicable to do so. Client data will be held by the Practitioner in accordance with local laws. For safety reasons only, the Practitioner may inform a trusted third party of all the details of a session including the Client’s name and other information: the Practitioner will ensure that the third party destroys any records held by the third party once the session and any matters arising it are complete.
11. In the event of a breach of this Code of Conduct or any other inappropriate behaviour by the Client the session will be terminated immediately without a refund. The Practitioner may inform the police; other appropriate authorities or organisations; and other Practitioners. If the Practitioner ends the session early for any other reason a pro-rata refund will be made.
12. Any breach of the Code of Conduct or other inappropriate behaviour by the Practitioner should be reported by the Client to the appropriate authorities and organisations as soon as possible: the Client is entitled to a full refund. The Client may end the session at any time without giving a reason, in which case no refund is due.
13. The Practitioner will provide this Code of Conduct to the Client before any booking is confirmed. The Practitioner may give a summary of this Code of Conduct in their publicity material: if so, the whole Code still applies providing that the Client has been directed to the whole Code.
14. This Code of Conduct forms part of the contract between the Client and the Practitioner.
Booking Conditions
✔️Clients must read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.
✔️For new clients, a preliminary telephone or video call may be required to ensure that the Client is a suitable candidate for the Practitioner’s services. This usually lasts about twenty minutes and is free of charge.
✔️The Practitioner will not confirm a booking from any person they believe to be unsuitable for the service they offer: reasons will not be given. Any deposit paid will be refunded promptly and in full.
✔️A Cuddle Session starts at the agreed time, not when the Client arrives. If the Client is late, the Practitioner is not obliged to extend the Session to make up for the lost time but if it is practicable may elect to do so. If the Practitioner is late appropriate compensation (time or refund of fees) will be offered.
✔️The Practitioner disclaims all responsibility for any consequences arising from the Session including loss of or damage to the Client’s property. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Practitioner from any claims by the Client which may arise out of and in the course of the service. The Client releases the Practitioner from any liability.
✔️These Booking Conditions and the Code of Conduct form part of the contract between the Practitioner and the Client and are governed by the laws of the country in which the Session occurs. For international online sessions, the relevant jurisdiction is that of the defendant.
✔️The Practitioner will state all fees clearly at the time of booking. The fees quoted will normally include any taxes or other charges, although in certain jurisdictions these may be given separately.
✔️A Practitioner’s standard fee includes travel by the Practitioner of up to one hour in each direction. Additional fees may be due for additional travel.
✔️If a Practitioner offers hosting, the fee quoted includes the hosting.
✔️In the case of third party hosting (for example a hotel, Airbnb or therapy room) the cost of hosting is for the account of the Client. The Client may pay for the hosting directly, or may transfer funds to the Practitioner to make the arrangements.
✔️The Client will pay all fees in advance, or in cash at the start of the session.
Deposits and Cancellation/Postponement
✔️A deposit of up to 25% of the Practitioner’s total fees may be required, particularly for newer Clients.
✔️In the event of rearrangement by the Client, any deposit paid may be transferred to a new mutually agreed date providing at least 48 hours’ notice is given. The Practitioner will return the deposit in full if requested at least 48 hours before the Session provided that any expenses that have been incurred and cannot be recovered have been paid by the Client.
✔️If a session is cancelled by the Client any expenses, such as travel and hosting, are due if they have been incurred by the Practitioner and cannot be recovered. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the session the Practitioner’s full fees are due.
✔️If the session is cancelled by the Practitioner an alternative date will be offered; any deposit paid will be returned or transferred to a new date; and any hosting costs that have been incurred by the Client and cannot be recovered will be reimbursed. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the session the Practitioner will also offer compensation in the form of a fee discount or additional time for a future session.