Other services
All sessions are tailored to client's needs and requirements & can be virtual.
Double Cuddle
Experience a deeply healing feminine energy by two cuddle therapists, Vanessa & Kristiina.
Hosting from London Bridge.
1h £160
(Free video consultation required beforehand)

Compassionate Listening
Dedicated to empowering the individual to transform conflict and strengthen cultures of peace.
Compassionate listening brings about healing. When someone listens to us this way, we feel some relief right away.
When communication is cut off, we all suffer. When no one listens to us or understands us, we become like a bomb ready to explode. Sometimes only ten minutes of deep listening can transform us and bring a smile back to our lips. Deep listening nourishes both speaker and listener.
- Mental health and wellness
-Life Coaching
-Psychology and wellbeing (The Open University)
1h session over zoom call: £40